Qor Paints
Qor Paints are watercolors that are made by Golden Paint Company in Colorado. They use a patented binder called Aquazol instead of gum arabic. The advantage of that includes a more intense palette of colors that are light fast. They come in both single colors and sets. They have a great travel set that can fit in your pocket . There are 83 colors available as well as masking fluid and mediums.

Daniel Smith Watercolors
Daniel Smith Extra Fine watercolors are renown for the vibrancy and consistency of their hues, many of which are unique to the company. A professional quality line of 259 colors includes the distinctive PrimaTek and Luminescent collections. Specifically mined minerals are the basis of many of the PrimaTek pigments, and though most are low or non-staining, almost all portray striking granulating and sedimentary properties. There are 30 different colors in the PrimaTek line, from the tropically blue-green Amazonite Genuine to the stormy, navy-grey Zoisite Genuine. Adding the dimensionality of reflected light and a pearl-like luster to painting, the Luminescent collection can be used alone or mixed with other watercolors. When viewed straight on, the Luminescents have a muted, pastel-like appearance on paintings, but their color and refractions change with every slight difference in viewpoint. These reflective properties of the paint are due to the addition of microscopic flakes of transparent mica coated with refractive metal oxide. In addition to selling the colors singly, there are sets of 12 colors in a theme, such as: Floral, Blues, Earth.

M Graham
M Graham & Co is committed to being environmentally friendly while producing an excellent product. Their watercolors are made with Northwest blackberry honey as the binder, like what has been historically done. This makes for strong, true colors. There are 70 colors in the collection.

M Graham Gouache
M Graham Gouache paints are made in the USA and are environmentally friendly in both manufacture and use. Gouache paints are water based, opaque and matt finished. Their only ingredients are high quality pigments, gum arabic and honey. They are lightfast and solvent free. Because they have no fillers, the opacity of the paints can be easily controlled. The collection comes in 35 colors.

Koi Watercolors
Koi watercolors are made by Sakura and come in a variety of sets. we carry both tube sets and pans. Koi is a great watercolor to start with. The quality is high and the price is reasonable. They all come packaged as a travel type set because they are small, efficient and have mixing trays. We have tubes in sets of 12 and 18. Pans come in sets of 12, 18, 24, 36 and 48 colors.

Winsor & Newton Watercolour Paints
Winsor & Newton began in 1832 in Great Britain. Their claim to fame was innovation. They created Chinese White paint, which was the first opaque white watercolor paint. They also introduced the tin tubes as a vehicle for paints. There are 2 levels of watercolors – Professional and Cotman. Professional is self explanatory – it is the finest grade of paint with high concentrations of pigment and exceptional lightfastness . They come in 108 colors. Cotman is the student grade. While still a very good quality, it doesn’t not have the concentration of pigments and comes in 40 colors.

Dr. Ph Martin
Dr Ph Martin’s creates intense liquid paints. The colors are vivid and and work across mediums. We carry the dye based colors. We sell them singly and carry all 56 colors.